Digital Object Mnemonics
ShortDOIs ( are awesome 💫
They’re supershort unique identifiers of an article, that always resolve to the article just like DOIs 🪄
To capitalize on this magic, I present to you: 🥁
🤖📑🧠 “Digital Object Mnemonics”.
To open this series:
🤩 This awesome article explaining how it’s possible to make causal inferences from correlational data:
[G]enerating [C]ausal inferences [V]alidly: [J]ulia Rohrer on [3]rd variables in [R]egression
➡️ gcvj3r
In the series
🤖📑🧠 “Digital Object Mnemonics”:
🤩 A great introduction to Response Process Evaluation, an asynchronous alternative to cognitive interviews, by Melisse Wolf, Elliott Ihm, Andrew Maul, and Ann Taves:
[K]ind of like [C]ognitive interviews, but with [Z]ero interviews [4] more validity
➡️ kcz4
In the series
🤖📑🧠 “Digital Object Mnemonics”:
🤩 A brilliant article that lays out an impressive set of studies and findings, laying bare some serious problems in psychological science and implicitly suggesting a route to remedying those as well:
[J]ust [2] researchers [R]eally [N]ailing it
➡️ j2rn
In the series
🤖📑🧠 “Digital Object Mnemonics”:
🤩 The “knowing what we’re talking about” paper, by Rik Crutzen and me, on making and publishing comprehensive construct definitions:
[J]ust define and [N]ame constructs; combat [J]ingle Jangle in [P]sychology
➡️ jnjp
In the series
🤖📑🧠 “Digital Object Mnemonics”:
🤩 The “knowing what we’re talking about” paper, by Rik Crutzen and me, on making and publishing comprehensive construct definitions:
[M]ake [R]igorous definitions [4] better [N]otation of theory
➡️ mr4n
In the series
🤖📑🧠 “Digital Object Mnemonics”:
🤩 An excellent PhD thesis on Problematic Hypersexuality by Piet van Tuijl:
[N]everending e[X]tensive [F]ornication* can be [P]roblematic
➡️ nxfp
- This could, of course, also be another word with an F. In theory.